Why Electricity LESCO Bills are High

Why Electricity LESCO Bills are High in Pakistan? The major issue of people of Pakistan nowadays is high electricity bills. Everyone is seen talking about high bills such as in TV program, in news. At many places people strike due to high bills. The monthly shock of high bills can lead to financial strain and depression. It’s a very critical condition for the Pakistani people. 

It’s easy to blame the utility companies and government but high electricity bills depend on many factors. In this article we will explain why electricity lesco bills are high in Pakistan, and will talk about the reasons why bills are so high.

 Why Electricity LESCO Bills are High In Pakistan?

Reasons of high Bill in Pakistan

Here are some reasons that can help you to understand why electricity bills too high:

Energy Generation Costs

Energy generation cost is one of the most contributing factors of high electricity bills. Pakistan is dependent on fossil fuels like gas and oil for electricity generation. Inconstancy of oil and gas prices globally directly affects the cost of power generation. When these prices rise globally , the cost of production electricity rises automatically so that consumers have to pay can cause  higher bills.

Delivery and distribution losses

Pakistan’s electricity grid has to face a lot of losses during the delivery and distribution process. These losses occur due to Old infrastructure, theft and technical losses. To cover these losses, utility companies raise tariffs that cause high consumer’s bills. 

Lack of energy efficiency

why electricity lesco bills are high in Pakistan

The prime reason for high bills in Pakistan is lack of energy efficiency. Many people in homes and industries don’t use energy efficient appliances. This lack of energy efficiency causes high energy consumption resulting in high bills. 

The revolving credit crisis

The revolving credit crisis is a big and repetitive issue in Pakistan’s energy sector. It includes unpaid bills,subsidies and delayed payments from many stakeholders,including utility companies, consumers, and the government. This crisis affects the financial stability of utility companies so they pass these burdens to consumers, resulting in high bills. 

Depend on imported fuel

Pakistan depends on imported fuel for electricity generation. Imported fuel prices rely on international market prices and exchange rate instability. If the price of imported fuel increases it  directly affects the electricity tariff, making them more expensive for consumers.

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After reading this article you came to know that the government and utility companies are not the only reason for the high electricity Lesco bill. Rather there are many reasons that contribute to high electricity bills, such as the revolving credit crisis, Delivery and distribution losses, lack of energy efficiency, government subsidies, theft and imported fuels. 

These problems need to be corrected including methods of efficient energy, improving energy infrastructure and resolving the circular debt crisis. By this Pakistan can provide its citizens more affordable electricity in future.


The country’s ever-expanding circular debt causes high electricity bills. Other reasons include delivery and distribution losses, lack of energy efficiency, government subsidies, theft and imported fuels. 

Consumption (Units)   Rate (PKR per Unit)

1 – 100 Units                         9.42

101 – 200 Units             11.74

201 – 300 Units             13.83

301 – 400 Units             21.23

401 – 700 Units             21.23Above 700 Units             24.33

Using an air conditioner in summer and your furnace in winter can cause the biggest expense on your electricity bills. The next thing that contributes to high bills is your water heater. 

Pakistan has long been facing an electricity crisis due to a combination of factors like lack of shortage facilities and poor economic mismanagement.  

The time when electricity is most expensive includes 5pm to 11pm, consumers have to pay extra if they consume more electricity in these hours. 

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